Read the latest news from the Provincial Employment Roundtable
Press Release – New census data for Côte-Nord shows no improvement in the economic vitality of English speakers since 2016.
Income gaps continue to grow leaving English speakers further behind Francophones in key vitality indicators.
Attending the ACFAS Official Women Minority Language Communities Conference in Ottawa
On Tuesday, May 14th, PERT’s Director of Policy and Research, Sta Kuzviwanza, and Policy Research lead, Morgan Gagnon,...
Online Exhibit: Supporting the economic and community integration of mature English speakers in Québec
Step into the shoes of mature English-speaking workers in Québec through our virtual art exhibit, where photography becomes...
Our Engagement with the Québec Budget 2024-2025
Earlier this year, we submitted a brief to the provincial government in the context of its pre-budget consultations. In it,...
Cinq-à-sept: Supporting the economic and community integration of mature English speakers in Québec
On Thursday, February 22nd, we hosted a cinq-à-sept, in partnership with La Passerelle, to share the preliminary findings...
Recap: PERT Appears at the Federal Standing Committee on Official Languages
In December, our organization achieved a significant milestone. PERT was invited to submit a brief and provide testimony...
Press Release: Québec’s 2024-2025 Budget Missing Investments Needed for Employability of Québec’s English Speakers
The Provincial Employment Roundtable is concerned over the lack of investment in employment services and programs targeted...
PERT’s Pre-Budget Consultation 2024-2025 Submission
Looking back on 2023!
Incorporating international best practices in adult language learning would benefit Quebec’s French language learning infrastructure
The Provincial Employment Roundtable (PERT) has released the second of two reports examining the most effective approaches...