Employment Profile of English Speakers in Outaouais – (2016 Census)


About this report

Sithandazile Kuzviwanza, Director of Policy & Research, Provincial Employment Roundtable

Morgan Gagnon, Policy Researcher, Provincial Employment Roundtable

Joshua Loo, Policy Research Intern, Provincial Employment Roundtable

Nicholas Salter, Executive Director, Provincial Employment Roundtable

Chad Walcott, Director of Engagement & Communications, Provincial Employment Roundtable

Maria De las Salas, Communications & Engagement Specialist, Provincial Employment Roundtable

Marla Williams, Consultant


This profile contributes to the knowledge and understanding of the employment issues faced by Outaouais’ English-speaking communities by surveying the most comprehensive information on the demographic and labour force conditions of English speakers in the region.

Key Findings:

  • Outaouais has a total population of 376,905 individuals; 70,575 (18.7%) are English speakers.
  • Outaouais is an urban region with a higher proportion of economic activity in public services and administration (particularly federal public administration) industries, as well as the commerce, real estate, professional, scientific and technical industries, as well as cultural and information industries.
  • Individuals aged 25-44 make up the largest portion of the labour force in Outaouais, across both linguistic communities.
  • English-speaking men account for 10.4% of the labour force in Outaouais, while English-speaking women account for 8.9% of the labour force. 
  • English speakers in Outaouais experience an unemployment rate of 8.4%, while French speakers experience an unemployment rate of 6.6%. English speakers in closer proximity to the urban areas of Gatineau and Ottawa tend to have lower unemployment rates than those in more rural MRCs. 
  • Youth consistently experience the highest unemployment rates in the region, irrespective of linguistic identity. English-speaking youth in Outaouais have a much higher unemployment rate (17.2%) than French-speaking youth (13.9%).
  • Women have a lower unemployment rate than men in Outaouais. English-speaking women experience an unemployment rate of 7.3%, 2% lower than that of English-speaking men, at 9.3%. French-speaking women experience an unemployment rate of 5.4%, 2.4% lower than that of French-speaking men, at 7.8%.
  • English speakers earn a lower median after-tax income than French speakers ($30,384 compared to $33,260). 
  • English and French speakers in Outaouais have very similar levels of postsecondary attainment (56.2% and 56.6%, respectively).