2021 Employment Survey of English-Speaking Quebecers & Organizations

2021 Employment Survey of English-Speaking Quebecers and organizations


About this report

Sithandazile Kuzviwanza, Director of Policy & Research, PERT

Morgan Gagnon, Policy Researcher, PERT

Nicholas Salter, Executive Director, PERT

Chad Walcott, Director of Engagement & Communications, PERT

Maria J. De Las Salas, Communications and Engagement Specialist, PERT


This report offers some insights into how language and employment interact for English speakers in Québec. By inventorying and assessing the employment and employability issues facing the English-speaking community, PERT is seeking to identify the most pressing issues facing English speakers in the labour market and find solutions to improve the situation.

Key Findings:

  • Lack of French-language skills was the most common barrier to employment experienced by individual respondents: 67% of respondents indicated that they had experienced this barrier in the past three years.
  • Organizations also indicated that a lack of French-language skills was a significant barrier to employment for the English-speaking community: 75% of organizational respondents listed this as a barrier.
  • 31% of individual respondents indicated that linguistic discrimination and/or employer bias based on language had been a barrier to employment they experienced in the past three years.
  • Individual respondents identified French-language training as the leading program that would benefit their employability: 53% of individuals identified intensive French-language training as a beneficial program, while 49% of individuals indicated workplace-integrated French-language training would be beneficial.
  • 84% of organizational respondents indicated that workplace-integrated French-language training would most benefit English speakers.
  • 72% of organizations indicated that workplace-integrated skills development would be beneficial for English speakers.