A Snapshot of Poverty Among Québec’s English-Speaking Communities


About this report

Morgan Gagnon, Policy Researcher, PERT

Sithandazile Kuzviwanza, Director of Policy & Research, PERT



This report presents a snapshot of poverty rates within Québec`s English-speaking communities. It reveals that the provincial poverty rate for English speakers stands at 10%, nearly double that of their French-speaking counterparts, who have a rate of 5.8%. 

The report also highlights that English speakers in Québec are twice as likely to live beneath the low-income cut-off (LICO) level. Specifically, 8.9% of the English-speaking population in Québec live under the LICO threshold, compared to just 4.5% of French speakers.

The report also puts forth policy and programming recommendations to effectively address poverty and promote social inclusion among English speakers in Québec.


Linguistic Lens

  • Adopt a linguistic lens to understand and analyze trends in economic precarity and poverty and advance solutions to combat poverty and social exclusion.

Global Supports

  • Increase income supports available to low-income Quebecers and those living in poverty; ensure there are no French-language barriers to accessing and enrolling in income support programs. 

French-language Learning 

  • Increase the availability and accessibility of French-language training for the working population.
  • Increased investment in work-integrated language training programs.
  • Raise awareness of the subsidies available to companies for French-language training of their employees.
  • Develop programs that meet the diverse needs of learners.

Access to Wrap-around Supports

  • Adopt a holistic approach to access to employment, which understands food security, housing, childcare, transportation, and mental and physical health as necessary precursors to employment.

Community-based Approach

  • Develop closer collaboration between government and community organizations providing basic services such as accompaniment, translation, health information, and employment support. 

Vulnerable Groups 

  • Develop targeted programming for specific English-speaking groups who experience higher rates of poverty, including wrap-around supports and employment programs for youth, seniors, visible minority groups and immigrants, and non-permanent residents.