Employment Services Sectoral Table

The Employment Services Sectoral Table seeks to bring together practitioners, experts, users, stakeholders and industry leaders from the employment services sector in order to discuss the gaps in employment service delivery and skills training that are contributing to the employment and employment challenges experienced by the English-speaking communities of Quebec.

Employment Services Sectoral Table

Executive Director - CASA-Gaspé

Allen Richards
Group 3

Our organization works to build and strengthen the vitality of the English‑speaking population of the Gaspé Coast by representing the community’s interests and designing and delivering programs that respond to its needs. Our Vision The English-speaking community of the Gaspé Coast is a vital linguistic minority that actively participates in and contributes to the social, economic, cultural, and political life of the Gaspé Coast. Our Mission CASA works to build and strengthen the vitality of the English‑speaking population of the Gaspé Coast by representing the community’s interests and designing and delivering programs that respond to its needs.


Assistant Director of Business - Centre de Recherche d’Emploi C.D.N.

Amal Obaïd
Group 3

The Côte-des-Neiges Job Search Center was created in 1994. Since its foundation, more than 20,000 people have benefited from one or other of its services and the support of its advisors.


Senior Employment Counsellor - YES

Annalise Iten
Group 3

YES is a non-profit, community-driven English-language service provider that has been helping Quebecers find employment and develop as entrepreneurs since 1995.

Our mission is to help English-speaking Quebecers reach their potential. At YES, we give you the skills and confidence to develop a personal career or business strategy through workshops, personalized coaching, and so much more.


Group 3

Executive Director - CASA-Gaspé

Allen Richards

Our organization works to build and strengthen the vitality of the English‑speaking population of the Gaspé Coast by representing the community’s interests and designing and delivering programs that respond to its needs. Our Vision The English-speaking community of the Gaspé Coast is a vital linguistic minority that actively participates in and contributes to the social, economic, cultural, and political life of the Gaspé Coast. Our Mission CASA works to build and strengthen the vitality of the English‑speaking population of the Gaspé Coast by representing the community’s interests and designing and delivering programs that respond to its needs.


Group 3

Career Advisor - Concordia University

Julia Stein

Group 3

Assistant Director of Business - Centre de Recherche d’Emploi C.D.N.

Amal Obaïd

The Côte-des-Neiges Job Search Center was created in 1994. Since its foundation, more than 20,000 people have benefited from one or other of its services and the support of its advisors.


Group 3

Senior Employment Counsellor - YES

Annalise Iten

YES is a non-profit, community-driven English-language service provider that has been helping Quebecers find employment and develop as entrepreneurs since 1995.

Our mission is to help English-speaking Quebecers reach their potential. At YES, we give you the skills and confidence to develop a personal career or business strategy through workshops, personalized coaching, and so much more.


Employment Services Coordinator - Y des femmes

Antonella Talarico
Group 3

The YWCA Montreal, supported by its Foundation, provides services to women, girls and their families so they can participate in and contribute to society to the best of their abilities. We also work with community stakeholders in order to focus attention on issues of exclusion, social inequality and gender as well as all forms of violence against women and girls, and thereby improve overall practice.


Experiential Learning Coordinator in Arts - Bishop’s University

Bassam Chiblak
Group 3

Bishop’s University is a predominantly residential, mostly undergraduate university. Their primary concern is offering students a quality education in the fine arts, humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, business and education.


Employabilty Services Manager - Agence Ometz

Barbara Stern
Group 3

For over 150 years, Ometz has been serving the needs of the Jewish community of Montreal. Beginning as three separate agencies, Jewish Employment Montreal (JEM), Jewish Family Services (JFS) and Jewish Immigration Aid Services (JIAS) joined together in 2008 to form the organization that we know as Ometz, or “Courage” in English Our mission is to deliver accessible, confidential, personalized, and culturally sensitive community services based on Jewish values. Our staff members are responsive, compassionate, engaged and inspiring—and sensitive to the cultural and language needs of our diverse community. Our vision is to build a vibrant, growing community where people care for themselves and each other.

Looking ahead, our goal at Ometz is to continue to be a source of strength and help our clients find the courage to reach their full potential.

We are guided by the words of Maimonides: “Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”


Facilitator (Learning & Knowledge Solutions) - Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion (CCDI)

Iván Barradas
Group 3
The Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion (CCDI) is a national charity established in 2013 with the mandate of building a more inclusive Canada. They envision a world where all individuals are treated with dignity and respect and where everyone has equal access to opportunities and resources. They believe that diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility, and justice are essential for building strong and healthy workplaces, schools, and communities. CCDI is committed to advocating for these values through education, training, and action. By promoting understanding and inclusivity, CCDI strives to create a more equitable and just society for all.
Group 3

Employment Services Coordinator - Y des femmes

Antonella Talarico

The YWCA Montreal, supported by its Foundation, provides services to women, girls and their families so they can participate in and contribute to society to the best of their abilities. We also work with community stakeholders in order to focus attention on issues of exclusion, social inequality and gender as well as all forms of violence against women and girls, and thereby improve overall practice.


Group 3

Experiential Learning Coordinator in Arts - Bishop’s University

Bassam Chiblak

Bishop’s University is a predominantly residential, mostly undergraduate university. Their primary concern is offering students a quality education in the fine arts, humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, business and education.


Group 3

Employabilty Services Manager - Agence Ometz

Barbara Stern

For over 150 years, Ometz has been serving the needs of the Jewish community of Montreal. Beginning as three separate agencies, Jewish Employment Montreal (JEM), Jewish Family Services (JFS) and Jewish Immigration Aid Services (JIAS) joined together in 2008 to form the organization that we know as Ometz, or “Courage” in English Our mission is to deliver accessible, confidential, personalized, and culturally sensitive community services based on Jewish values. Our staff members are responsive, compassionate, engaged and inspiring—and sensitive to the cultural and language needs of our diverse community. Our vision is to build a vibrant, growing community where people care for themselves and each other.

Looking ahead, our goal at Ometz is to continue to be a source of strength and help our clients find the courage to reach their full potential.

We are guided by the words of Maimonides: “Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”


Group 3

Facilitator (Learning & Knowledge Solutions) - Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion (CCDI)

Iván Barradas

The Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion (CCDI) is a national charity established in 2013 with the mandate of building a more inclusive Canada. They envision a world where all individuals are treated with dignity and respect and where everyone has equal access to opportunities and resources. They believe that diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility, and justice are essential for building strong and healthy workplaces, schools, and communities. CCDI is committed to advocating for these values through education, training, and action. By promoting understanding and inclusivity, CCDI strives to create a more equitable and just society for all.

Corporate Manager - Cote des Neiges Black Community Association (CDNBCA)

Chris Lockhart
Group 3

The Cote des Neiges Black Community Association (CDNBCA) is a registered Canadian charity proudly serving Montreal’s Black English-speaking community since the 1970’s. Their mandate is to offer programs and support services designed to address the changing needs of our community and its intersectional members.

Home Page

Executive Director - ARC - Assistance and Referral Centre

Christian Lapointe
Group 3

Our mission is to assist and empower people of all ages to access health and social services, information, resources, programs, and activities in English on the South Shore To lead, develop, and maintain strong partnerships and networks within the community to ensure accessibility to English services on the South Shore.


Executive Director - AIM Croit

Christina Cobein
Group 3

AIM CROIT (Association internationale des machinistes et des travailleurs et travailleuses de l’aérospatiale – centre de réadaptation, d’orientation et d’intégration au travail) is a non-profit organization sponsored by the International Association of Machinists and Laborers Aerospace (IAMAW) and funded by the Ministère du Travail, de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale.

For 30 years, AIM CROIT has facilitated the job search process for thousands of people living with various limitations.

We offer employment assistance services to residents in the Montreal area who live with a physical, sensory or neurological disability.

We have established a large bank of employer’s and regularly receive countless, interesting job offers for workers with disabilities.


Group 3

Corporate Manager - Cote des Neiges Black Community Association (CDNBCA)

Chris Lockhart

The Cote des Neiges Black Community Association (CDNBCA) is a registered Canadian charity proudly serving Montreal’s Black English-speaking community since the 1970’s. Their mandate is to offer programs and support services designed to address the changing needs of our community and its intersectional members.

Home Page

Group 3

Executive Director - ARC - Assistance and Referral Centre

Christian Lapointe

Our mission is to assist and empower people of all ages to access health and social services, information, resources, programs, and activities in English on the South Shore To lead, develop, and maintain strong partnerships and networks within the community to ensure accessibility to English services on the South Shore.


Group 3

Executive Director - AIM Croit

Christina Cobein

AIM CROIT (Association internationale des machinistes et des travailleurs et travailleuses de l’aérospatiale – centre de réadaptation, d’orientation et d’intégration au travail) is a non-profit organization sponsored by the International Association of Machinists and Laborers Aerospace (IAMAW) and funded by the Ministère du Travail, de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale.

For 30 years, AIM CROIT has facilitated the job search process for thousands of people living with various limitations.

We offer employment assistance services to residents in the Montreal area who live with a physical, sensory or neurological disability.

We have established a large bank of employer’s and regularly receive countless, interesting job offers for workers with disabilities.


Group 3

Employment Counsellor - AIM Croit

Cynthia Marie del Vecchio

Integration and Development Agent - FORT Program

Dana Conrado
Group 3

As the Future Occupation Reinvention Team (FORT), our mission is to create a place for the English-speaking community, where we help you to be the curator of your new journey into the Quebec City workforce. We understand the issues in realizing that new life, be it through job search strategies in a different country, language, or province, going back to school, or reinventing yourself. We are here for you. Our team of bilingual specialized career and employment counselors are passionate professionals dedicated to providing exceptional one-on-one career and employment services. The Fort program sevices are provided by the Valcartier Family Centre.


Executive Director - REISA

Fatiha Gatre Guemiri
Group 3

Established in 2005, REISA has assisted partnership development in three main areas: expansion of local-level services, outreach to new services and community capacity-building. Keeping the English-speaking communities’ needs in mind, REISA has identified four priority development sectors: Youth, Seniors, Special needs and Mental Health. By working towards achieving these priorities, REISA will strengthen and improve the vitality of the English-speaking minority community in the East and North ends of Montreal.


Social Worker - Agape Association

Ian Williams
Group 3

Agape continues to support underprivileged families and we work hard to initiate and promote activities to ensure the vitality of the English-speaking community of Laval.

After 45 years of history, Agape is now serving over 1,250 people yearly and continues to offer other services.

With the support of local schools, churches, independent donors and many other partners, we are able to arrange annual food drives and distribution among our list of underprivileged families.


Group 3

Integration and Development Agent - FORT Program

Dana Conrado

As the Future Occupation Reinvention Team (FORT), our mission is to create a place for the English-speaking community, where we help you to be the curator of your new journey into the Quebec City workforce. We understand the issues in realizing that new life, be it through job search strategies in a different country, language, or province, going back to school, or reinventing yourself. We are here for you. Our team of bilingual specialized career and employment counselors are passionate professionals dedicated to providing exceptional one-on-one career and employment services. The Fort program sevices are provided by the Valcartier Family Centre.


Group 3

Executive Director - REISA

Fatiha Gatre Guemiri

Established in 2005, REISA has assisted partnership development in three main areas: expansion of local-level services, outreach to new services and community capacity-building. Keeping the English-speaking communities’ needs in mind, REISA has identified four priority development sectors: Youth, Seniors, Special needs and Mental Health. By working towards achieving these priorities, REISA will strengthen and improve the vitality of the English-speaking minority community in the East and North ends of Montreal.


Group 3

Social Worker - Agape Association

Ian Williams

Agape continues to support underprivileged families and we work hard to initiate and promote activities to ensure the vitality of the English-speaking community of Laval.

After 45 years of history, Agape is now serving over 1,250 people yearly and continues to offer other services.

With the support of local schools, churches, independent donors and many other partners, we are able to arrange annual food drives and distribution among our list of underprivileged families.


Group 3


Iris Unger

Employment/Guidance Counsellor - Eastern Townships Schoolboard

Jessica Girard
Group 3

The Eastern Townships School Board is one of nine English school boards in Québec with the head office located in Magog, Québec. The ETSB consists of 1,000+ people working in many different employment categories including management, teachers, professionals, bus drivers, and support staff.

Homepage ETSB

Executive Director - DESTA

Kassandra Kernisan
Group 3

DESTA was founded in 2006 with a mandate to focus on the employability needs of Black youth in Little Burgundy. An integrated strategy was adopted to address both systemic and personal barriers to employment, such as justice involvement, housing, and lack of resources.

Recognizing the economic needs of participants, DESTA’s mission was redefined in 2017 to center on education, employability, and entrepreneurship. On-site structured programming was developed to give participants access to diverse training opportunities and to help them build greater financial security.


Executive Director - La Passerelle

Leslie Acs
Group 3

Founded in 1990, La Passerelle is a non-profit organization offering job search and support services in Montreal. Since 1998, we have been working in partnership with Services Québec to offer a fully subsidized job search assistance program including workshops and personalized career coaching sessions. Our program is specifically designed for experienced professionals aged 40 and over who are unemployed and underemployed, in various fields and sectors of activity, and/or are looking to reintegrate into the labour market.


Group 3

Employment/Guidance Counsellor - Eastern Townships Schoolboard

Jessica Girard

The Eastern Townships School Board is one of nine English school boards in Québec with the head office located in Magog, Québec. The ETSB consists of 1,000+ people working in many different employment categories including management, teachers, professionals, bus drivers, and support staff.

Homepage ETSB

Group 3

Executive Director - DESTA

Kassandra Kernisan

DESTA was founded in 2006 with a mandate to focus on the employability needs of Black youth in Little Burgundy. An integrated strategy was adopted to address both systemic and personal barriers to employment, such as justice involvement, housing, and lack of resources.

Recognizing the economic needs of participants, DESTA’s mission was redefined in 2017 to center on education, employability, and entrepreneurship. On-site structured programming was developed to give participants access to diverse training opportunities and to help them build greater financial security.


Group 3

Executive Director - La Passerelle

Leslie Acs

Founded in 1990, La Passerelle is a non-profit organization offering job search and support services in Montreal. Since 1998, we have been working in partnership with Services Québec to offer a fully subsidized job search assistance program including workshops and personalized career coaching sessions. Our program is specifically designed for experienced professionals aged 40 and over who are unemployed and underemployed, in various fields and sectors of activity, and/or are looking to reintegrate into the labour market.


Group 3

Research Consultant

Linda Shohet

Adult Development Department Director - Tyndale Saint-Georges

Nathalie Miron
Group 3

For over 90 years, Tyndale St-Georges Community Centre has offered empowering, supportive programs and services to the community of Little Burgundy in South-West Montreal. As one of the few English Community Centres in Montreal, we are always working on improving our services, developing stronger partnerships with community members and organizations, and expanding upon our rich history.


Group 3

Employment Counsellor - CJE Laval

Marina di Tiello

Group 3

Director of Operations - Inicio

Nathalie Fauteux

Group 3

Adult Development Department Director - Tyndale Saint-Georges

Nathalie Miron

For over 90 years, Tyndale St-Georges Community Centre has offered empowering, supportive programs and services to the community of Little Burgundy in South-West Montreal. As one of the few English Community Centres in Montreal, we are always working on improving our services, developing stronger partnerships with community members and organizations, and expanding upon our rich history.


Group 3

Youth Coordinator - REISA

Pamela Morrone

Executive Director - Centre Générations Emploi

Rosalie Di Lollo
Group 3

Centre Génération Emploi is an employment counselling center that is passionate about welcoming and helping anyone who wants to think about and work on their professional future to become socio-economically integrated. We will welcome you like a member of the family and offer you all the support and guidance you need to achieve your goals and meet other people who will become your first network.


Executive Director - Tyndale Saint Georges

Shauna Joyce
Group 3

For over 90 years, Tyndale St-Georges Community Centre has offered empowering, supportive programs and services to the community of Little Burgundy in South-West Montreal. As one of the few English Community Centres in Montreal, we are always working on improving our services, developing stronger partnerships with community members and organizations, and expanding upon our rich history.


Executive Director - ACDPN

Tania Callender
Group 3

The African Canadian Development and Prevention Network (ACDPN) was founded in 2005 to provide leadership on topics of access to Health and Social services for members of the English-speaking Black community (ESBC) in Montreal. ACDPN fosters solidarity and inter-organizational collaboration across sectors that influence the health and wellness of the Black community. We aim to promote best practice prevention and social development strategies as we advocate for access to social, educational and economic programs that are adapted culturally and linguistically to meet the needs of the members of our community. Our vision is to be a resource to members of the Black community in the Greater Montreal Area through the development of a network of organizations, experts and community members advocating for the healthy development and vitality of the Black community.



Group 3

Executive Director - Centre Générations Emploi

Rosalie Di Lollo

Centre Génération Emploi is an employment counselling center that is passionate about welcoming and helping anyone who wants to think about and work on their professional future to become socio-economically integrated. We will welcome you like a member of the family and offer you all the support and guidance you need to achieve your goals and meet other people who will become your first network.


Group 3

Executive Director - Tyndale Saint Georges

Shauna Joyce

For over 90 years, Tyndale St-Georges Community Centre has offered empowering, supportive programs and services to the community of Little Burgundy in South-West Montreal. As one of the few English Community Centres in Montreal, we are always working on improving our services, developing stronger partnerships with community members and organizations, and expanding upon our rich history.


Group 3

Executive Director - ACDPN

Tania Callender

The African Canadian Development and Prevention Network (ACDPN) was founded in 2005 to provide leadership on topics of access to Health and Social services for members of the English-speaking Black community (ESBC) in Montreal. ACDPN fosters solidarity and inter-organizational collaboration across sectors that influence the health and wellness of the Black community. We aim to promote best practice prevention and social development strategies as we advocate for access to social, educational and economic programs that are adapted culturally and linguistically to meet the needs of the members of our community. Our vision is to be a resource to members of the Black community in the Greater Montreal Area through the development of a network of organizations, experts and community members advocating for the healthy development and vitality of the Black community.



Group 3

Operations Manager - Cote des Neiges Black Community Association Inc.

Tinika Rose Sampson

Employment counsellor - CRE Pointe-Claire

Trina Bélanger
Group 3

Services for the residents living in the west island of Montreal who are 18 years of age and over.


Employment Coordinator, Adult Development - Tyndale St-Georges Community Centre

Yigal Judah
Group 3

For over 90 years, Tyndale St-Georges Community Centre has offered empowering, supportive programs and services to the community of Little Burgundy in South-West Montreal. As one of the few English Community Centres in Montreal, we are always working on improving our services, developing stronger partnerships with community members and organizations, and expanding upon our rich history.


Group 3

Employment counsellor - CRE Pointe-Claire

Trina Bélanger

Services for the residents living in the west island of Montreal who are 18 years of age and over.


Group 3

Employment Coordinator, Adult Development - Tyndale St-Georges Community Centre

Yigal Judah

For over 90 years, Tyndale St-Georges Community Centre has offered empowering, supportive programs and services to the community of Little Burgundy in South-West Montreal. As one of the few English Community Centres in Montreal, we are always working on improving our services, developing stronger partnerships with community members and organizations, and expanding upon our rich history.


Group 3

Regional Director - Quebec - NPower Canada

Vanessa Herrick

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