Provincial Employment Roundtable

The Provincial Employment Roundtable (PERT) is a non-profit multi-stakeholder initiative focused on addressing the employment and employability challenges facing Québec’s English-speaking community.

A Word from our President

“The creation of the Provincial Employment Roundtable is a milestone in the life of the English Speaking community of Quebec. Through PERT, we now have the capacity to interact effectively and tenaciously with all levels of government in an effort to increase the employment opportunities of English speakers and improve the Quebec economy.”

James Hughes, President of the Provincial Employment Roundtable

An Overview of Employment in Quebec

Unemployment for Québec`s English speakers (2021)
Unemployment rate French Speakers (2021)
Census 2021: 6.9%
Proportion of English speakers in Québec`s population
Census 2021: 14.9%
Proportion of English speakers in Québec`s Labour Market
Census 2021: 15.8%

Latest News

Read recent news from the Provincial Employment Roundtable and its partners about the labour market, skills training and employment challenges impacting Québec’s English-speakers.


Through our research, PERT is committed to providing a deeper understanding of the employment and employability challenges English speakers face in order to help develop comprehensive solutions & policy recommendations intended to address those challenges. 

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Les Québécois d’expression anglaise des Cantons de l’Est connaissent des taux de chômage plus élevés et des revenus médians plus faibles que leurs homologues francophones.

English speakers in the Eastern Townships experience higher unemployment rates and lower median incomes than their French-speaking counterparts.

Our updated #EmploymentProfile of English Speakers in Estrie is now available!

Our comprehensive study covers demographics, labour market trends, and more!

Read it now 👇

Notre #miseàjour du profil d'emploi des Québécois d'expression anglaise de l’Estrie, est maintenant disponible !

Notre étude complète couvre les données démographiques, les tendances du marché du travail et bien plus encore !

Lisez-le dès maintenant 👇

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Telephone (toll-free): 1-855-773-7885


Monday to Friday
9:00 am to 5:00 pm

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PERT is focused on addressing the employment and employability challenges facing Quebec’s English-speaking community.

Funded by the

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